Hinzufügen der Option 'Stil zurücksetzen' Integration der Stil-Ansicht in Eigenschaftenansicht.Keine Notwendigkeit mehr für manuelle Installation von Java Neu organisierte und verbesserte Symbolleiste, Möglichkeit zum Anpassen der Position der Symbolleiste.Hinzufügen von Berechtigungen im Lokalen Netwerk-Sharing.Importieren/Exportieren von/nach XMind Ressourcenbündel.

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Download XMind 6 für Windowsĭownload XMind 6 für Linux (32-bit) (GTK erfordert)ĭownload XMind 6 für Linux (64-bit) (GTK erfordert)ĭownload XMind 6 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in einer Zip-Datei)
Fixed some issues that cause XMind to crash after exporting to Microsoft Word and PDF Document on Ubuntu.Fixed an issue that causes some text to disappear after exporting to PDF (Map) on Ubuntu.

Modify the translation errors in Japanese, Russian, French language pack.Add Danish and Japanese 'Welcome to XMind' map guide under help menu.When applying a theme, users can now choose from overriding all custom styles in the target map or keeping them. Add a language change option to Preferences.Download XMind 6 for Windowsĭownload XMind 6 for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)ĭownload XMind 6 for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)ĭownload XMind 6 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip) Fix an issue that image in notes disappears while importing a Mindmanager file.Fix a bug that topic structure changes in drill down mode.Fix an issue that causes encryption not to work after force quiting XMind procedure.Fix an issue that causes exporting to Word not successfully.Fix a bug that causes text to disappear while press 'CTRL+I' in Note view.Fix a bug that after downloading a public map from, the task dependencies of the map disappear.Fix an issue that subtopics of floating topic can not be exported while exporting to Excel.Fix an issue that causes boundary not to show normally while the boundary title text is too long.Fix an issue that causes characters missing while printing map.Fix an issue that causes the exported SVG file to display abnormally.Fix an issue that causes XMind to crash on Ubuntu while choosing Web Browser under Preferences.Fix a bug that causes task info to export unsuccessfully while exporting to Excel.Support Microsoft Project 2010 file format for exporting.Add 'Save As' option to Image/Attachment/Audio Notes.Add Task Assignee option in Advanced Filter View.New boundary shapes: Polygon and Rounded Polygon.New topic shapes: Circle, Parallelogram, Cloud.Add a size hint while making a map shot.Add 'hide collapse/expand icon' option while printing/exporting to image/PDF/SVG.Show/Edit task info (Start/End Date, Assignee, Priority and Progress) directly in Gantt Chart.Add another Matrix (structure) which uses topics as columns.

Download XMind 7.5 for Windowsĭownload XMind 7.5 for Linux (GTK required)